Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The less education, the better? Naw.

The conclusion of “The Trouble With Normal” highlights the negativity of seeing societal normalcy is troubling in all aspects of education, safety, and self-perception. Using HIV/AIDS as a prime example of sexual epidemics, diseases have spread like wildfire due to the shame and guilt presented from negative stigmas concerning sex and sexuality. Heteronormative behavior has shaped how sex is perceived, and in turn is devastating the masses. Particularly speaking, the “hush hush” of sex and gender identity has greatly influenced youth education toward this “abstinence only, sex is wrong, the less you know- the better” connotation, and it has really become prevalent in how harmful that is to society and the role of sex in humanity. Sex is a natural instinct, and policing the way it is perceived has been a disaster in terms of safety and identity.

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